Wednesday 6 January 2016

Our Visit from Exotic Zoo - !!!!

On Tuesday we had a visit from The Exotic Zoo to help us learn about our new topic of Amazing Animals.  We were introduced to a millipede, a snake and two meerkats.  We found out that as a snake grows it sheds its skin and Sam from the Exotic Zoo brought in a snake skin that was as tall as she was - WOW!! We also found out that snakes use their tongues to smell their prey.  The meerkats were amazing - our story for the month is Meerkat Mail - and we saw first-hand how meerkats behave when one of them climbed onto Sam's shoulder to be the lookout or signal.  The millipede had 270 legs - when we held it in our hands it was very ticklish!!! We had a wonderful hour and would like to thank the PTFA for helping us to arrange this visit.   Take a look at our photos to see what we did!!


Didn't we have wonderful time!!

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