Sunday 31 January 2016

The children in Year 5 and 6 had a BRILLIANT time at Arthog last week. Here are a few photos to whet your appetite.....

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Our Trip to Birmingham

Oak class had a fantastic day today visiting Birmingham City Centre. We went to Birmingham Central Mosque and Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. We were given biscuits and juice at the mosque - mmmmm! We were also able to look at the Qur'ans and we counted the prayer mats! There were over 1000.

At the museum we saw some mummies including a crocodile and a cat. We saw some ancient Egyptian toys and Mrs Hanson really liked the toy monkey!

Saturday 16 January 2016

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Our Solar Farm Visit.

The whole school visited our brand new, local solar farm today! We were amazed to find out that the farm has cost £5,000 000 to build! Think of all the electricity it will produce!

We got a little muddy so we will probably need to use lots of electricity to wash our clothes!

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Our Visit from Exotic Zoo - !!!!

On Tuesday we had a visit from The Exotic Zoo to help us learn about our new topic of Amazing Animals.  We were introduced to a millipede, a snake and two meerkats.  We found out that as a snake grows it sheds its skin and Sam from the Exotic Zoo brought in a snake skin that was as tall as she was - WOW!! We also found out that snakes use their tongues to smell their prey.  The meerkats were amazing - our story for the month is Meerkat Mail - and we saw first-hand how meerkats behave when one of them climbed onto Sam's shoulder to be the lookout or signal.  The millipede had 270 legs - when we held it in our hands it was very ticklish!!! We had a wonderful hour and would like to thank the PTFA for helping us to arrange this visit.   Take a look at our photos to see what we did!!


Didn't we have wonderful time!!