Tuesday 10 June 2014


Yesterday we went on the coach to Attingham Park to have a look at the plants and mini beasts.

We left our things in the Bothy which is where the gardeners leave their tools and had a good look around the walled garden.  We drew some plans of the different flower and vegetable beds and used our flower charts to identify some of the flowers.  We recognised lots of plants and flowers from our own gardens.

In the orchard we looked for flowers and minibeasts. We found lots of butterflies and some caterpillar eggs 
on the back of leaves.  They were very tiny so we had to use our magnifying glasses to help us see them. 
We also saw some walnut trees with real walnuts growing on them. 

Some of us had a go at making our very own beehives out of mown grass.  That was fun!! 

 We wondered why it was very warm in the greenhouse? Then we realised that lots of tomato plants were growing there! And guess what in the vegetable patch we found a type of onion called Roxy!! 

We found some time for play after our picnic lunch and before we went home we visited the Beehouse where all the skeps were kept. A skep is a woven beehive where a colony of bees will live. 

After a long day we got back on the bus for school. We had wonderful weather, a great time, friends to share it with and we saw loads of amazing things. 

Thank you to Mrs. Hodgetts and Mrs. Gough for all your help today - we hope you enjoyed it too!!

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