Monday 12 May 2014

Our Girls Have Fun at the New Meadow

Sheriffhale junior girls took part in a fun activity day at the New Meadow in Shrewsbury last Thursday.
It was part of an exciting event with 5 a side games alongside  lots of football experts to help build up the girls' confidence and skills in the sport.  They competed against other girls from schools around Shropshire and then went on to watch the England Ladies Team play against the Ukraine at the Meadow.    

Exhausted but having lots of fun - and showing off our budding footie skills!  

Making use of all the space - and beating off the competition!!

The girls showed off their goodies bags in assembly on Friday and told us all about their day. We are very proud of what they achieved and look forward to seeing them play football in the future.
Well done girls. 

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