Tuesday 1 April 2014

Hello from Arthog!

Everyone is having a fantastic time, the weather is excellent and the children have been enjoying a wide range of adventurous activities! Today Mrs Lill's group have been down an old slate mine. This was an exciting and scary experience, including going deep into the mountain to see the furthest mining chamber. We were underground for three and a half hours. It was amazing to emerge into the bright sunshine at the end of the tunnel.

In the afternoon, we went gorge walking, which included a complete dunking in  a freezing mountain stream. We clmbed up a waterfall and the children were fantastically supportive of each other.

Mrs Dosajh's group have been rock climbing in a quarry, using proper roped climbing trchniques. After lunch, they canoed......coming back tho the centre soaking wet, but very happy. We are all waiting for a tasty tea!!

So far, the food has been excellent and most children have eaten seconds! Some had two cooked breakfasts this morning......they have certainly burned the calories off today.

See you soon
Mrs Lill

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