Friday 22 July 2016

Year 6 leavers

We bid a teary farewell to our Class of 2016 today.

We wish Ismay, Eve, Holly, Dan, Jarvis, Ethan, Adam and Dylan all the very best for their transfer to secondary school in September and just know that, whatever path they wish to follow in future, they will all shine brightly.

The videos shown at the assembly can be seen here:

Thursday 21 July 2016

Dunk Mrs Lill!

As part of the Y5/6 'Make £5 grow' project, a team of children ran a 'dunk the teacher' sweepstake!

Mrs Lill was a great support today when she received her 'dunking'!

Altogether, the Y5/6 children made £198.60 profit by dunking, making and selling craft items, organising games, colouring hair... what a group of young entrepreneurs we have!

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Who was King Offa and what did he do?

Lime Class have had great fun this morning talking in role as King Offa.


Dylan and Ethan

Ellie and Emily

Ismay and Eve

Jarvis and Mitchell


Lucy and Erin

Lime Class visit to Offa's Dyke

We had a fun-filled day in 30+ degree temperatures. We saw some of the original dyke and walked the path of a small section of it. Best of all, we played in the River Teme and enjoyed our picnic on the river bank!

Thank you to the PTFA for subsidising the cost of the transport to Knighton.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Bin Bag Fashion!

Children in KS2 have had a wonderful morning using all of the 8 Secrets of Success and working in teams to produce a 'bin bag outfit' and accessories!

Our digital leaders Lucy and Mitchell photographed the models and put together a fantastic photo montage of the finished results.