Friday, 14 October 2016

Learning about democracy

Election fever is about to hit Sheriffhales!

We will be voting for our new School Council representatives on Friday 21st October
(two per year group).

Children are invited to use the week beginning Monday 17th October as 'Election Week', by bringing in manifestos, posters and other campaign materials to help secure their vote!

For any further information, please ask Miss Hodgson or Mrs Preece-Dawson.

Image result for ballot box uk

Saturday, 1 October 2016


In Lime class, we had great fun making 'Frightful film trailers'.

You can watch the children's short films on our class YouTube channel.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Fantastic Art!

Oak class made some wonderful portraits on Wednesday based on the work of the Italian artist Arcimboldo. Aren't they wonderful!

Friday, 23 September 2016

Animal Skeletons

Oak class have being thinking about the skeleton in science.

We looked carefully at animal skeletons and then tried to make their skeletons using modroc.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Year 6 leavers

We bid a teary farewell to our Class of 2016 today.

We wish Ismay, Eve, Holly, Dan, Jarvis, Ethan, Adam and Dylan all the very best for their transfer to secondary school in September and just know that, whatever path they wish to follow in future, they will all shine brightly.

The videos shown at the assembly can be seen here:

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Dunk Mrs Lill!

As part of the Y5/6 'Make £5 grow' project, a team of children ran a 'dunk the teacher' sweepstake!

Mrs Lill was a great support today when she received her 'dunking'!

Altogether, the Y5/6 children made £198.60 profit by dunking, making and selling craft items, organising games, colouring hair... what a group of young entrepreneurs we have!

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Who was King Offa and what did he do?

Lime Class have had great fun this morning talking in role as King Offa.


Dylan and Ethan

Ellie and Emily

Ismay and Eve

Jarvis and Mitchell


Lucy and Erin

Lime Class visit to Offa's Dyke

We had a fun-filled day in 30+ degree temperatures. We saw some of the original dyke and walked the path of a small section of it. Best of all, we played in the River Teme and enjoyed our picnic on the river bank!

Thank you to the PTFA for subsidising the cost of the transport to Knighton.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Bin Bag Fashion!

Children in KS2 have had a wonderful morning using all of the 8 Secrets of Success and working in teams to produce a 'bin bag outfit' and accessories!

Our digital leaders Lucy and Mitchell photographed the models and put together a fantastic photo montage of the finished results.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Our Celebrations for our Queen!

We have had a wonderful week celebrating the Queen's 90th birthday.

On Wednesday we had a service at church and received beautiful books from Rev. Chris and the church.

The books were presented by Shirley Tart (Deputy Lord Lieutenant) and Meriel Afia (Member of the Royal Household) and out thanks also go to them. Hopefully they will be books to be treasured forever.

Today we held our playground 'street' party and out Year 6 pupils served a wonderful afternoon tea in the village hall. Thank you to the WI and PTFA for your help and support in making this event a success. We had a great time!

And of course... we mustn't forget a visit from a very special lady...

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Iron Age food

Last week Oak Class had a visit from Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre and they were able to learn all about Iron Age food. Some of it was really yummy whereas some was slightly more 'interesting'.

Willow Class Assembly

Congratulations to Willow Class who performed a wonderful class assembly yesterday all about giants! Their news reports were really informative and I'm sure there are going to be some roving reporters in the future!

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Our school

Children in Lime Class (Y5/6) took photos of our school and local area to show our friends at Lozells Primary School in Birmingham how different our learning environment is to theirs.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Poetry Recital competition

The prizes have been bought... have you learned your poem yet?

Today I bought 3 fantastic prizes for our poetry recital competition: one for EYFS, one for KS1 and one for KS2. It made me wonder: are you choosing and learning your poem yet?

During the first week back, there will be a recital in each class to decide finalists for each category.

During the second week back, we will get together as a whole school to hear the finalists perform their poems and teachers will then vote on the winners.

Remember, we are looking for you to know your poem by heart, and listening out for super expression and intonation which fits with the words in the poem you have chosen.

Good luck!

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Oak Class Assembly

A huge thank you to everyone who came to watch our assembly this afternoon.

Our animals theme certainly had a 'roar'!

Our visit to Lozells Primary School

Y5 had a wonderful morning visiting Mr Powell's class (5T) at Lozells Primary School in Birmingham.We thought about what is the same and different about our two schools, and then wrote about a school in Tanzania.