Friday 28 February 2014

This week, we invited a fantastic IT trainer to our staff meeting. Mr Lee Parkinson is based in Manchester and is a specialist teacher who trains other staff nationally. He  inspired us with his wonderful ideas for ipads, apps and blogs. Already, the reception children have used the ipads to make a dinosaur page for themselves!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

World Book Day

Next week is World Book Day, and we will be holding events in school on Thursday and Friday.

On Thursday, we will be holding another "book swap" event. Last year's event was very successful and we are hoping that this year's will be just as exciting and rewarding. Children can bring in a book (bring to Class 2 on Thursday morning) and donate £1 to then swap their book during the afternoon. The donations will help us to invest in our very important school library area.

On Friday after school, there will be a "share a story" event in Class 2. Children can bring a favourite story to share with a friend, and Mrs Preece-Dawson will be reading stories, too. There will be hot chocolate and marshmallows to make our event extra special! The event will finish at 4pm.

We are hoping that our new Y5 librarians will be set up by World Book Day so that their first job as librarians can be to help out on this very exciting day. Any Y5s who are interested in becoming librarians should let Mrs Preece-Dawson know at the beginning of next week. 

For more information about local and national events taking place, and to find out more about the book vouchers each child will receive next week, please visit the World Book Day website.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Mission to Mars

As we come to the end of our topic on the Earth and beyond, Class 3 have been thinking about the possibility of terraforming the planet Mars.  For those of you who want to find out how far NASA has got with their plans, you could follow the link below to BBCiplayer to watch the Horizon special : Man on Mars, Mission to the Red Planet.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Friday 7 February 2014

Class 2 Wiki

Class 2 have been finding out about Australian landmarks and tourist attractions. You can see our slideshows by visiting:
Our Wiki

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