Friday 31 January 2014


Next Friday, 7th February, the whole school will be taking part in the RSPB Birdwatch campaign.  We will be spotting the different types of bird that visit our playground and school garden and sending the information to the RSPB for conservation purposes.
You can take part at home too. Go to the RSPB Birdwatch website for more information.

Friday 24 January 2014

Class 2 Videos

Class 2 have been reading "The Echidna and the Shade Tree" as part of our work on Australia. Look at the children's wonderful videos of the story here:
Echidna movies

We have also been finding out about the recent heatwave in Australia and filming weather reports:

The permissions on the Wiki have now been changed so that non-wiki members can view the children's videos. The clips should play automatically using Windows Media Player.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Rose and Curtis, your work is on 'Lend me Your Literacy'. Have a look! It's fantastic!

Friday 10 January 2014

Published authors!

Who will be our published authors this week?
Don't forget to visit our online portfolio at LMYL to find out!
Week 1 has passed very quickly, and lots has been achieved. We have been looking at our school environment this week, having a go at mapping the area and being 'nature detectives'. Everyone is now settled in and is working hard.

Monday 6 January 2014

Welcome back to all children and Happy New Year to everyone!