Wednesday 27 November 2013

Sheriffhales pupils are published writers!

We are so excited to be able to give our children a world-wide audience for their writing through our online portfolio:

A huge well done to Matilda in Year 2 who is our first pupil to have her work published. Her
description of a Winter landscape is so full of imagery and description that it paints a 
wonderful picture on the reader's mind.  

Please visit the site and read Matilda's work. You could even leave a comment! 
Although we have a school log-in, parents will have to register on the site to read the work and 
leave comments. This is simple to do and free. 

Friday 15 November 2013

We think that we should wear our pyjamas to school more often. Mrs Lill even said in assembly that she thinks we should have a school uniform onesie!

Children in Need

Welcome to our school blog!
Children (and staff!) have had a wonderful time today, wearing our pyjamas to raise money for Children in Need.